Friday, October 21, 2011

What To Do During The Test

The driving test is a nerve-wrecking experience for most people, and they often forget some basic principals. Here is an article I wrote about some basics for the test.

8 Important Things to Do While Taking Your Driving Test

Beginner drivers often feel nervous about taking their test. They are afraid that the examiner will be intimidating. And while they can indeed be intimidating, you need to understand that it's their job to ensure that only safe drivers get out onto the road. There's a reason they don't always pass beginner drivers: they know that it'll be dangerous to put somebody on the road when they're not prepared.

So, obviously, you need to be prepared! You need to practice, practice, and practice some more!

Learning how to drive isn't just about how to control a vehicle. You must learn all of the safety details. You need to learn how to read road signs and signals.

If you can remember to do the following when taking the test, you'll increase your chances of passing it.

• Before you begin to drive, look every which way to make sure that everything is clear.

• Don't forget to signal when you're about to turn! Learn how to use those turn signal controls properly.

• While taking the test, keep an eye out for the speed limit. Stay within the speed limit. Don't roll through the stop signs. Many, many new drivers make this mistake. Stop doesn't mean to slow down, it means to STOP!

• Whenever you change lanes, check the mirrors first. Make sure that there are no cars at your side, or behind you signaling that they're getting ready to pass.

• Try to parallel park as best you can. It doesn't have to be a challenge if you practice beforehand. You might need to hill park during the examination as well. When parking the car on an incline, don't forget to point the front wheels TOWARD the curb.

• Sometimes the examiner might try to trick you. For instance, he/she might not put the seatbelt on just to see if you will notice. They might also try to trick you into doing something illegal to see if you truly understand the rules.

• When lights turn green, proceed with care. Many people think that they can go on yellow just as long as they do so slowly. This isn't the case. In most places, yellow means to prepare to stop for a red light. Most drivers still go on yellow anyway, but you shouldn't during your driving test.
• Always expect the unexpected. Anything could happen at any time. Don't lose focus on the road. Your mind shouldn't wander. Always watch out for animals, pedestrians, children, mistakes made by other drivers, etc. If a ball rolls out onto the road, there might be a child running after it.

Keep these guidelines in mind and you will be able to pass the test with flying colors!

Improve your chances of passing the driving test by reading online guides! They contain secrets that will help you get through your road test without any problems. Take what you learn from these student driving guides and use the knowledge to help you pass both the written test and the road exam!

Getting your driver's license is not that hard. If you would like to pass your driving test without trying so hard, you should get yourself this amazing driving test guide.

I hope this article helped you,


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