Friday, July 11, 2008

Wide Turns - A Widely Known Problem

Turns are a common problem for driving students. They cause many problems, and one of them is making them too wide. Here is an article I wrote about that issue.

Wide Turns - Wild Driving Test Disturbance

Turns are one of the most important parts of driving. Without it, cars will not be able to move around and will be forced to move in a straight line. When turning, it is important to make the turn as accurate as possible. However, many drivers, mainly driving students, make their turns too wide. These wide turns cause many problems, especially on driving tests. Examiners often mark off students just for these wide turns, and those wrong turns can easily be eliminated.

Right turns are greatly affected by wide turns. Wide right turns often enter the second lane, which could be the lane of opposing traffic. In such case, an accident could happen. Also, when turning right, it's important to enter the right lane on the new road unless there are multiple turn lanes. If a right turn is not made into the right lane, the examiner may mark that as an error, an error that can easily lead to failure.

Left turns are also affected by wide turns. Some places are tolerant for lane usage after a left turn, but most areas and examiners expect examinees to enter the left lane after they turn, unless there are multiple left turn lanes. A wide turn can make a car end in the wrong lane, or worse, hit the curb. In this case, this is a new test for sure.

Another, somewhat rare, turn affected by too wide turns is a U-turn. Because U-turns are risky, they need to be made as quickly as possible. Wide U-turns only make them longer, thus increasing the time the driver spends in an intersection. On a worse case, a wide turn in a narrow intersection can make the student driver hit the curb, something that is a critical error in most places in the world. This is definitely something to watch out for.

To make the best possible turns, you can go to the Pass your Driving Test area of my site to find the perfect solution to this problematic situation.

Have a great weekend,


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