Friday, December 19, 2008

Unnecessary Stops - Stops your License

Stopping is an important skill for any driver, but stopping unnecessarily is one of the most dangerous acts a driver can do. Here is an article I wrote about it.

Unnecessary Stops - A Serious Road Test Mistake

When learning to drive, student drivers often encounter situation which require them to stop: stop signs, traffic lights, left turns with oncoming traffic, etc. It's important that driving students learn when to stop on these situations, since not stopping can be very dangerous and lead to accidents. However, the reverse situation is also possible: some driving students, especially during driving tests, stop when they are not required to stop, cause confusion, and ruin their own test. Some of these stopping locations are very common, yet they repeat often and cause drivers to fail.

Yield signs are a common source of stopping confusion. According to the law, yield signs require the driver to slow down and yield to cars on the other roads. However, many driving students don't know what to do with yield signs, and stop. Worse than that, during stressing situations, like the driving test, students tend to stop anyway, even if the road is empty. This habit is wrong and can easily lead to failure.

Left turns from big avenues to small roads also make students stop when they are not required to do so. When a left turn is made in such way, the driver needs to slow down, watch oncoming traffic, and turn when safe. Many driving students stop anyway on these left turns, causing traffic delays. Once again, doing so during a driving test may ruin the examinee's chance of passing.

Freeway merging lanes are the deadliest places to stop a car, yet too many driving students do that. These driving students usually have trouble in merging with fast moving traffic, so they use the only tactic they know: stopping in the merging lane. This is really dangerous, since cars driving on the on-ramp go very fast, so they have a really big chance of hitting the student.
Stopping on the on-ramp may count as a dangerous maneuver, which leads to immediate failure.

The only way to avoid all those stopping problems is getting a guide that shows how to develop driving confidence. Also, a guide with detailed explanation about driving situations and how to drive when encountering them will be very helpful for nervous driving students, especially those without any experience in driving.

To get a guide like this, go to Pass your Driving Test, the best guide on the internet which gives you the instructions for building confidence, practicing for the driving test, and passing the test on the first try.

Hope you liked it.


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