Friday, May 7, 2010

Gain More Confidence

Confidence is key when learning to drive, and practice is the best way to get confidence. Here is an article I wrote about this topic to help you gain more confidence.

Learn How to Drive With More Confidence So That You Can Easily Pass Your Road Test!

One of the most stressful things you will do in life is to take your driving road test. Fortunately, there are some ways to increase your confidence and lower your anxiety levels. You need to go into the DMV on test day feeling as confident as possible. Now, you shouldn't be OVERLY confident - it's okay to feel a bit nervous. You need to realize that you're bound to make a few mistakes. What is important is how well you continue with the test after making a mistake.

So, how can you raise your confident levels? By having a good studying and practicing routine. You can find plenty of online guides and resources on how to drive. There are DVD courses available that will instruct you on driving. Take what you learn in the course and use the knowledge when practicing. Start out practicing in an empty area until you get the hang of the basics. In time, you will be able to move on to the next level.

If you already have been practicing a lot, yet still don't feel confident that you will pass, perhaps you should try driving with somebody else. The person with whom you practice is going to play a huge role in how much you learn. This individual should be very observant. He or she should encourage you when you do well and inform you of the mistakes you make without being condescending.

Another way you can get some better practice is to drive around the testing areas. Familiarize yourself with every single sign and lane in the testing routes. That way, you'll know exactly what you're doing when you take the actual test. On the day of your driving road exam, double check that you have all the documents that you need. Arrive early just in case you realize you're missing something. Try not to be intimidated by the instructor. If you can "break the ice" so to speak, you will feel less nervous.

An estimated 50% of drivers fail their first test. If this will be your first time taking it, you can be one of the 50% who DOES pass! However, you need to take an online driving course and look over tips and secrets in order to pass. If you have taken the test before and failed, then determine why you failed and work on your weaknesses. You can do this by looking over driver's exam guides on the internet.

Hope you learned something,


1 comment:

liverpool driving lessons said...

Nice post. As a driving instructor i am a big believer in mock testing and putting candidates under a little presuure so they can maintain their composure on test. Thanks for sharing