In the modern over-saturated auto insurance market choosing the right auto insurance package could be very challenging. Some insurance carriers proudly offer the cheapest insurance packages, others try to overwhelm you with impressive array of services and features they offer. But it's not always the cheapest price nor the richest set of services that you should be concerned of - it's the ever moving right combination of best price AND the best coverage which you have to try to achieve.
Below are the main factors that will define your individual auto insurance premiums.
Driver's Age.Insurance rates for too young and too senior drivers are usually noticeably higher than for the average-age drivers. These two categories of drivers are considered to incur a higher risk of traffic accidents and therefore are more expensive for insurance providers.
Driver's GenderThis factor would make the feminist movement very happy - male drivers usually pay higher insurance premiums than females! The reason - statistics shows that men are more likely to drive aggressively than females and hence they are more risky for insurers.
The Age and Condition of Your Vehicle.Brand new cars are more expensive to repair; this can drive the insurance package price up. Also, speedy sport cars are more accident-prone and therefore have higher insurance rates.
Do You Legally Own the Car You DriveIf you drive your car regularly but don't legally own it - for example, the car you drive is from lease or the car was purchased by you but is not paid off yet - you might be requested to buy more than just liability coverage insurance. The more expensive package of Collision Coverage plus Comprehensive Coverage is often required in these cases.
Average Miles You Drive Daily.Cars used sparingly, say - only 5-10 miles a day - understandably introduce a lesser risk of traffic accidents and therefore are cheaper than the cars which make 150 miles every day.
Deductible You are Willing to Pay.A deductible is your co-pay in the case of an auto accident. The higher your deductible is - the more losses you are willing to share with the insurance company and the lower your insurance package price will be.
Your Driving Record.Drivers with no tickets or accidents always pay less.
Years of Your Driving Experience.The more driving experience you have - the better your chances are to get a low rate. But this is just a general rule. Many auto insurance carriers would ask a driver about the age when his first driver license was issued in the USA or Canada. For those auto insurance carriers only North American driving experience is counted. Note also, that if you moved to the USA from Great Britain, Japan or any other country with left-hand traffic (total of 76 countries, territories and dependencies) you will likely to pay a much higher premiums in USA.
State of Your Residence.You might be surprised but insurance rates for the same person and the same vehicle vary significantly from state to state. These differences reflect the increased risk and hence the increased operating cost for insurance companies. For example, insurance rates in hurricane- and tornado-prone areas are usually much higher than in regular places.
Vehicle Safety Features.Anti-theft protected vehicles decrease the risk of a loss. Also, cars with ABS, air bags, rear-view cameras and other safety gadgets are considered to be safer and therefore are cheaper for auto insurance carriers. That is the main factors which would affect ones auto insurance premiums in general.
ConclusionBuying insurance policy for your vehicle could be a costly and challenging exercise. Age, gender, vehicle condition, average daily miles you drive, State where you live are the few factors that will define your monthly insurance premiums. Knowing that factors will help you to better understand insurance quotes coming from competing insurance carriers and will make you better prepared for making your purchase decision. Shop around and choose the best auto insurance package for you.
Alvin Borsinger - at BorSystems Inc.
You can get a pretty accurate picture of what real auto insurance premium you can expect in your particular case if you use the right Internet resources.
For example, you could visit Auto Insurance Center at to get a robust start point in your auto insurance searches. You will find here a good advice as well as useful links to instant online quotes from main auto insurance providers in USA.
If you are interested in broader search and would like to call and check the rates with each auto insurance company individually then you might need the list of "all' auto insurance companies operating in USA published at
Do you homework well and get the best auto insurance package for you and your family!
Thank you Alvin! That was very informative.