Monday, September 1, 2008

The Eight Must-Haves of the Driving Test

Robin Piggott, as avid readers of this blog know, likes to write long articles about the driving test. This time, he wrote about eight things you must know before taking your test.

Practical Driving Test Preparation Tips for those Sitting the Test for the First Time

Sitting your Practical Driving Test need not be the ordeal that it is for many of you. There are many simple and very easily accomplished tips and strategies that will stack the cards in your favour and give you a higher than average chance of passing first time.

We know that life goes faster and faster with each passing day and that there are just so many things that distract you and cause your focus to wander. That said, if you want to pass your Driving Test first time then there are no short cuts… only commitment, hard work and plenty of practise a month before the Test not one week before. We are assuming here that you already know how to drive and have been taught the basics by an Instructor who is qualified to pass on the necessary skills.

Those persons who are not qualified to teach you the skills that you will need to stay alive first and foremost and to then be successful on your Driving Test are to be found on every street corner. Some of them even do a pretty good job of masquerading as professionals but are found out sooner or later.

Enlisting the services of a skilled Driving Instructor who has your interests at heart would be a very good start to the process of passing your Driving Test first time. Once you have begun to master all the basics and have built up your confidence, by all means enlist the help of a family member.

Will this cost you hard earned money? Of course it will; but the alternative is a protracted and painful odyssey.

For a chance of passing the Test first time into today’s hectic driving environment you must forget about Boyfriends, Girlfriends, Sisters, Brothers and the ever present Mother or Father. None of these persons have the necessary up to the minute information that will ensure a first time pass! For sure they will be useful in helping you to practise but only in conjunction with paid tuition.

Here are Eight practical Driving Test Preparation Tips to help you on the way. Are there more? You Bet. Get these under way and sorted first. Then you can begin to feel that you are heading in the right direction.

Is your car fully checked out? Especially tyres, lights and all secondary controls.

Hint:-If you are unsure what will be the required standard Call Instructor not the Garage.

Do you know what is required of you on the day of your Driving Test?

Hint:-Read your Test Appointment Letter carefully.

Do you know the area where your Driving Test will take place?

Hint:-Spend time both at and near to your local Test Centre

Have you checked out all the Hot Spots immediately prior to the Test?

Hint:-Your Driving Instructor will highlight these for you.

Do you have all your documentation in order?

Hint:-There are four documents that without which you won’t be sitting the Driving Test.

Have you mastered your reversing skills?

Hint:-Your Instructor is the only person for this advice. Practise follows after learning the correct Techniques.

Can you identify and answer all the expected Technical Check questions?

Hint:-If you have not learnt how to open the bonnet (hood) you will be in trouble.

Do you possess some degree of confidence?

Hint:-Without having Driving Lessons you won’t be able to conjure this up to order.

Is there more? Yes of course. First things first. Get a complete handle on the above before you do anything else and you will already be ahead of the posse. The detailed answers have been deliberately left out for two reasons.

First of all to get you thinking and into the frame of mind that you will need to adopt if you are to pass the Driving Test. Second of all to persuade you to take on the responsibility yourself for passing or failing and not expecting anyone else to shoulder the burden.

It’s very easy to come up with at least twenty excuses in the event of failure but there is only one real person responsible for the end result and that is you the Driver, no one else.

Robin Piggott is a Driving Instructor in Ireland who brings four decades of experience to his Astral Driving School based in Limerick. His newly refurbed web site can be found at Here you can find a treasure trove of everything for the Learner Driver and also pages for the visitor who is contemplating Touring Ireland by Car. Pick up a free seven part mini course "Passing the Driving Test First Time" and stack the cards in your favour.


Please notice that some parts of this article are only relevant to Ireland. As far as I know, knowing what's going under the hood is not required in California's driving test.



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