Friday, September 12, 2008

The Limits of Limit Lines

Limit lines are a big annoyance when it comes to driving tests. Going over them counts as minor errors, but they can add up fast. Here is an article I wrote about this topic to help you avoid this error.

Limit Lines - A Limiting Factor On Driving Tests

Limit lines tell drivers where to stop on intersections. As such, they are very important to traffic control, intersection management, and road safety. Without them, drivers would not know where and when to stop on an intersection, and a big confusion will arise. During driving tests, it is very important to stick to limit lines. However, some driving students ignore them or make mistakes regarding to them that cost them the entire test.

The most common mistake regarding limit lines is stopping after them. Limit lines mark the limit of advancing into an intersection, yet some driving students don't notice them or just don't care, and stop after limit lines. If it is done moderately, the examiner is most likely to mark a small minor error. But if the student stops deep inside the intersection, the examiner will not be happy at all and can easily put and end to the test.

Stopping too early is another big mistake regarding limit lines. Some student drivers are so nervous about stopping on the right place that they stop too much before the limit line. This is not the smartest maneuver to do, and the student can get a small mark for an unnecessary stop. If this early stop causes something like an accident from an unprepared driver, the test has reached its end.

Without limit lines many driving students are completely lost. Some intersections don't have limit lines at all, so student drivers must know where to stop. However, many of them are so used to limit lines so they don't know how to handle intersections without them. Some of them just don't stop where necessary, others don't stop at all. This confusion makes many of them fail miserably.

There is an easy solution to all of these mistakes - a guide that shows exactly how to behave with any intersection type, whether or not there is a limit line there. A guide like this can easily boost any driver's chance of passing the driving test on the first time he takes it.

You can get a guide like this at the Pass your Driving Test area of my site, along with a course about more driving test mistakes and tips.

Hope it helped you.



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