Monday, January 17, 2011

Insurance for Married Couples

The benefits of being married go beyond love. Sharing auto insurance helps in saving on one of the biggest expenses a family has. Here is an article by Jullie Lee about this topic.

Figuring Out Married Couple Auto Insurance Cover

Joint policies or multi vehicle covers may be fairly practical and economical in several ways than having separate insurances. There may be extra savings to make on your auto insurance cost when you are married. It might make sense to bring individual policies under one cover or arrange joint cover.

Leaving aside who is the owner of the car one applicant can be the leading cover holder in family vehicles. Now that you tied the knot you could save on auto insurance by having the present coverage under the senior or more experienced partner's name. Besides, it may not be sensible to keep two independent policies especially if you are likely to switch vehicles or switch drivers in long distances. If so, you will have to notify your insurer that your spouse could drive the vehicle.

Normally, multi vehicle policies would be cheaper than two independent covers. Unless you are still keeping your spending and money undertakings separate and like to maintain it the same, you will find a way of saving money on joint policies in total.

Depending on where you live and your Insurer, you might want to choose between keeping multi vehicle policy or two independent joint policies. At times, keeping separate coverage for each car may be sensible. Several Insurance providers might still let you keep receiving no claim bonus on one policy although you had an incident under the other one. You would want to check this with the insurance provider.

Frequently, Insurers might demand your partner's details or require that he goes on the policy as well. Then you might sit back and figure out which way will be more efficient for you because you would be charged for your partner anyway. There may be number of ways to arrange this. So allow a little time and figure out the best course of covering your cars.

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Thank you Jullie! I'm sure this article helped many couples.



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