Friday, February 18, 2011

Why People Don't Pass

Failing a driving test has many reasons, some seem obvious while others need some more thought. Here is an article I wrote with some of those reasons.

Why People Fail To Pass Their Driving Tests

Indeed, passing your driving tests is probably one of the simplest things that you can do in your teenage hood. Indeed, whether it is your first tine or your third time, you really have no excuse for failing to get the much-coveted driving license. Indeed, I do believe that you must have seen a lot of people who have received these licenses, when in real sense, they were much less intelligent that you. This means that getting the license is not about being extremely intelligence, it just has a lot do to with focus, practice and preparedness.

Today, we are going to look at some of the reasons that make people fail to get their driving licenses once they sit for their tests.


One of the main causes of failures everywhere is carelessness. This is a situation whereby someone does not really take his or her time to pay attention to the things that he or she ought to. For this reason, you will find a situation whereby someone forgets to brake where he needs to, he fails to indicate whether he is turning right or left, and such like things. Because careless driving is one of the major causes of accidents in the world today, it is imperative that this habit be avoided completely.

Failure To Prepare

The other reason why people fail to pass their driving tests is simply because of the fact that a lot of people fail to prepare for their tests. If one does not prepare for his or her tests, you will find that particular person will not be able to do his work properly. On the other hand, if someone prepares well for the test, it will really not be a big problem to handle all the challenges that may come during the time of taking the test.


Another reason why some people fail to pass their driving test is simply because they arrive for the test when they are drunk. This is something that will really put off the person examining you since this is a sign that you will be a very dangerous person when you get your driving license. In fact, the roads will be much safer place if you do not have one. It is therefore important that you ensure that you are extremely sober when you are going to sit for your test. This way, you can be sure that you will not be wasting your chances in any way.

If you are really serious in your desire to pass your driving test, then I would advice you to do more than the average student. The driving test guide is a good manual to see you through the whole program.

Hopefully you will implement the advice given in this article, so you'll be able to pass without any trouble.



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