Monday, April 25, 2011

Determine the Risk of Your Insurance

As I repeatedly write here, car insurance isn't cheap. However, there is a way of lowering costs that I haven't really discussed here seriously: driving safely. Here is an article by Kathy Mercado about this topic.

High Risk Or Low Risk Car Insurance

The very first time you take out car insurance may be quite expensive, but as the year's progress and you renew your insurance year after year then you can begin to build up what is known as a no-claims bonus.

A no claims bonus is exactly what it says, it is where you have insurance for a year without making any claims at all on that insurance policy, the more years you can drive without making a claim then the cheaper your car insurance will be.

It can make a huge difference to the cost of insuring your vehicle if you have a full no claims bonus, the reason being is that to an insurance company if you have never had to claim would give them the indication that you have never had an accident and so you are then considered a low risk driver after all you have paid a lump sum every year but never asked for anything back at least that is how the insurance companies will think.

There are now separate car insurance companies that specialise in female drivers, again female drivers can be considered less of a risk than male drivers, this is because female drivers are thought to be less inclined to take risks when they are driving and to drive more cautiously than their male counterparts, although there are many males who would refute this claim, it seems that according to statistics it is a true fact.

Insurance companies are always carrying out research and collecting data on different drivers and their accidents so that they can ascertain which type of driver is more of a risk, that way they can price their policies according to risk factors. The last thing insurance companies want is to give cheaper car insurance to someone who is more likely to have an accident and claim off them costing them a lot of money.

For more information, visit They offer information on Baltimore Car Insurance, including finding Baltimore Car Insurance.


Thank you Kathy! That was very helpeful!


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