Saturday, August 18, 2012

East Side Story

This week I learned something very important: don't drive tired. Ever. I know I've said it here plenty of times, but I still fall for this.

I flew from Los Angeles to New York at night, which means I hardly got any sleep. Then I took the new car (Honda Civic, if you must ask) which has no GPS. I tried to get out of New York City on my own, but it just didn't work.

Luckily, I found some internet connection and found instructions using Google Maps. This was a six hour drive, but I was really tired. I had to pull over in one of the rest areas and get some sleep before I could keep going.

Finally, I arrived to Canada, which made everything more complicated, since all road signs are in French. Luckily, my instructions were still in English.

Next week: Maine and Boston.



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