Friday, April 12, 2013

Safe Driving Habits You Should Have

When you learn to drive, it's important that you develop good habits to stay a good driver. Here is an article I wrote about this.
Good driving habits are something we all have to learn and abide by. If you're just starting out, then the best thing you can do for yourself is learn good driving habits. Not only will you need to know them in order to get your license, you will also need to know them if you want to be a safe driver.
In order to establish these habits, you must practice driving with a safe and responsible adult. Not just any adult will do - you need one who knows the rules of the road. The ideal person will be someone who is patient. He or she will guide you through each and every step when you go out for practice drives.
Here are some of the safety habits they will help you learn.
• Proper starting and stopping. A good driver knows how to start and stop gradually. The process should be smooth. When you stop, never wait until the last second to slam on the brakes. Not only will doing so cause you to fail your test, it may also lead to an accident.
• Another good habit to have (and perhaps one of the most important) is to check and make sure everyone in the vehicle has their seatbelts on before starting. If you want to be a driver, then it's YOUR responsibility to make sure everyone - including yourself - is buckled in.
• Good drivers never let themselves be distracted. This means you should turn your cell phone off. If you do have to take a call or send someone a text message, pull of the road to do it. Keep the radio on low. When taking the driving test, try not to let the examiner distract you too much. While you need to listen to them and do whatever they tell you to do, you don't want to let yourself worry about whether or not you impress them. Your primary focus should always be on your driving.
• It's extremely important to check not only your mirrors, but your blind spot as well. Get in the habit of doing this. Do it even when you know nobody else is on the road. You must know who and what is behind you, in front of you, and to your sides at all times.
• Practice turning your signal lights on. Once again, this is something you should be doing even when there is no one else on the road. While you're at it, always come to a complete spot when reaching a STOP sign. Wait a few seconds before slowly starting again, even if there is no other vehicle around.
As long as you develop safe driving habits, such as these, and practice with a responsible adult, you should be able to get your driver's license!
Did you know that you can learn everything there is to know about driving online? If you have been studying and practicing, you can use some online tools to make the learning process go easier. With an online driving course, you can be one step closer to get your license!
I hope this article helped you,

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