Monday, December 30, 2013

Teens Increasing Insurance Premiums

If you have a teen who is getting ready to drive, be prepared for premium hikes. Tonya Lockamy explains it in this article.

Is My Teen Driver Going To Increase My Auto Insurance Rates?

Adding a teen to your insurance policy doesn't have to be painful. Unfortunately, teen drivers are the most inexperienced; therefore, more likely to be involved in accidents. But there area ways to soften the blow when you do add them to your auto insurance policy.
Wondering what you can do for your new teen driver to make sure they're on the path for success? Below we've compiled a list that offers some great tips for safe driving and reducing your auto insurance costs.
  • Get them Educated: It's no lie that knowledge is power. Start educating your kids early on about the perils of driving hazardously. Doing so early, will set them on the path for success and ensure they start establishing those healthy driving habits early on. Signing your child up for a State Approved Drivers Ed program can do wonders for your child's sense of caution and technical know-how when it comes to driving on the streets. Many insurance companies urge younger drivers to take such classes or even computer based training to get a more in-depth look at the way that the highway works. Insurance companies will reward safer drivers, such as ones that have enrolled in traffic classes, with lower premiums. You should check with your insurance agent to determine what programs are endorsed by your auto insurance carrier.

  • Expensive Cars = Expensive Insurance: Is your child going to be driving a family car or their own? These are important questions to ask you and your teen before they get behind the wheel because this could cause your insurance rates to vary greatly depending on what car they're driving. Insurance companies tend to assign the teen to the car they drive the most. If that happens to be the most expensive car in your garage, you'll pay higher rates. Bottom line, if you have 3 drivers and 2 cars, the teen is going to be assigned as the primary driver to one of those cars by most insurance carriers. Give this some thought when considering your teen's first car.

  • Keep them Focused in School: Many insurance companies actually reward students who are performing well in school. This is because children who show dedication and responsibility in the classroom are more likely to make good decisions on the road. Let your teen know of the importance of doing well in school; it'll pay off in more ways than one. Be sure to check with your insurance agent to see if your insurance carrier offers a good student discount.

  • Practice makes perfect: You should get your teen's learners permit as soon as you feel they are ready and give them plenty of time behind the wheel. Allowing them to practice with you in the car is one of the greatest tools you can provide as a parent. Then, once you feel they are ready, then and only then, encourage them to get their permanent license.
Saving money with your auto insurance can be challenging. Let's face it, teens don't always make the best decisions/ However,taking the steps above will help keep your auto insurance rates low and make sure you and your teen have a healthy and collaborative relationship behind the wheel!
To learn more about NC auto insurance, feel free to contact Protective Insurance Agencies, a Salisbury, NC auto insurance agency. We can help find the perfect auto insurance policy for your family.


Thank you Tonya! That article definitely cleared it.


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