Saturday, June 7, 2008

Criminals Behind the Wheel

Usually I encourage people to pass their test. After all, my guide and the purpose of this blog is to show people how to pass, not how to fail. However, some people should not get behind the wheel. Period. I nearly had an accident because of such person.

It happened on Tuesday, and I was driving on a major highway in my area. I was around 4pm, so traffic was fast, but crowded. I was on the left lane, the passing lane. Ahead of me there was a motorcycle, and I kept a safe distance from him. Behind me was the person I nearly hit, driving a van. Everything was good.

Apparently, the driver behind me decided I am driving too slow and wanted to pass me (and I am not a slow driver), but passing is illegal here on the right. I didn't want to move to the right lane because it would've slowed me down and interrupted the traffic on the right lane. However, the driver didn't have enough patience, passed me on the right, and entered between the motorcycle and me. If I was closer to the motorcycle, there would have been an accident that day.

On this highway there is a huge intersection without traffic lights. There are only two stop signs, on on each side road. The driver who was now ahead of me wanted to turn left to one of those side roads, and moved into the left turn lane (without signaling). Since he was slowing down, I was preparing to pass him (passing on the right is legal if the car on the left is preparing to turn). I got very close to him, and then he decided, without signaling, to go back to my lane. I was about two meters away from him, driving much faster (because he slowed down to turn).

Two seconds before that I looked in my side mirror and saw a quite empty road, so I braked hard and turned my wheel. Cars on the right lane ahead of me also swerved away from that crazy driver who nearly hit me.

That was one of the scariest driving experiences I ever had. Luckily, I was able to get away with it. In a more congested traffic I may have ended in a hospital.

Drive safely,


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