Friday, October 3, 2008

Freeways - The Fun Way to Fail

Freeways are fun. Although many driving students are scared to death by them, there is no better way of traveling by car. However, during a driving test, these huge roads cause huge problems. Here is an article I wrote about this subject.

Freeway Mistakes That Could Kill Your Road Test

Freeways are the most efficient way to transport many cars over a long distance. They are also the fastest method for it. On a road test they are very rare, but when an examinee is asked to go on a freeway, he is usually scared beyond reason. There are some mistakes driving students make on freeways that repeat more than others during road tests, and there is a way to avoid them.

One simple mistake is not signaling. Sometimes the students just forget to signal in one of the many places that require a signal. Not signaling is a minor error, but many minor errors, especially if they repeat in high frequencies, can fail a student in the test.

Another mistake is not knowing how to merge well. Some students signal properly, but when it comes to actually changing lanes, they almost freeze. This is very dangerous since merging lanes often end very quickly and not moving away from them can cause a hazard for the driver, the examiner, and other traffic.

Low speed is also a failing factor in driving tests. On the freeway the drivers are expected to drive at the speed limit. However, some students drive much slower than that on their driving test. Most examiners will fail a student for driving too slow, and if the speed issue is not so critical, they might only mark a minor error. But when minor errors accumulate, it becomes a major failure.

Mirrors are a must when driving on the freeway. Some student drivers don't use their mirrors while on the freeway and just stare straight ahead. This is a bad demonstration of their driving skills. Examiners are not too impressed when a student doesn't use the car's mirrors, and might fail an examinee for that.

Freeway exits are a big issue as well. Students have as much trouble on exits as they have on merging. Exits are about changing lanes, and if the student driver isn't skilled with high-speed lane changes, he is going to have a very hard time exiting the freeway and getting a good result on the driving test.

In order to drive well on a freeway, the driving students should get the proper guidance. A parent or friend sitting on the passenger seat and giving them instructions is just not enough for good freeway driving.

You can see some good guides that will help you pass your driving test at the "Pass Your Road Test" section of my site. They all have a special chapter just for freeways.

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