Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Traffic Court - Quick Charges

The Los Angeles Times brought the story of the traffic judge Donald S. Kennedy, who solved a case in under two minutes. A man went to court to fight a ticket about making an illegal U-turn, claiming that he did not see the sign. Judge Kennedy asked him if he went back later and saw the sign. The man said yes, and this was enough for Kennedy to prove the man guilty.

Not all stories are like this, but Kennedy tells the sad story of Los Angeles county - too many cars on a too-small space. When traffic becomes annoying, more people violate traffic laws. When insurance premiums skyrocket after a traffic fine, no one wants to have one. This leads to a heavy load on traffic courts.

The only advice I can give you is to drive carefully and not break the law. There is no other way to avoid traffic tickets.



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