Saturday, October 11, 2008

Of Speed and Joy

Cars are made for speed, but humans are not. That's something every driver should know before getting behind the wheel. However, there is a problem. Speed is fun.

Lately, I am catching myself driving over the speed limit. When I see that, I slow down as fast and safely as possible. The last thing I need now is a speeding ticket which can do me much more trouble than just the fine (job related trouble).

The reason I go over the speed limit is basically road conditions: empty two-lane roads just deserve 100 or 110 km/h instead of 90 km/h, but lawmakers think differently. In my opinion, they are wrong. By lowering the speed limit they just create more crime, not reduce the number of accidents.

To reduce the number of speed related accidents, drivers should be more professional, something which comes with experience. The only thing that can be done about it is providing a safe enough environment for new drivers to gain experience, something that modern roads don't provide.

If you have any opinion about this subject, I'd really like to see it in the comments section.

Have a great weekend!


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