Saturday, January 9, 2010

Another Tired Driving

Driving tired is one of the biggest risks being taken by drivers, along with drunk driving. When you are tired your vision is blurry, you don't think clearly, and, well, you react just like if you're drunk. The only difference is that you can't be charged with DUI when driving tired.

Last week, on New Year's eve, I made this mistake again. I'm not perfect, I know, but sometimes I make really stupid decisions. Nothing happened, and I wasn't even close to something, but this is one of the most dangerous nights of the year, and I should've been more careful.

However, I didn't drink. This is a really big red line for me. Alcohol and the driver's seat don't go together when I drive. Not even a sip. If I was drinking on December 31, I would've probably ended crashed into a wall.

Drive safely!



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