Friday, January 15, 2010

Mistakes to Avoid If You Want to Pass

This blog is open for almost two years, and there have been tons of articles about driving mistakes to avoid in order to pass. Well, today there is another one. It's always good to have a reminder.

Driving Test Mistakes You Need to Avoid in Order to Pass!

When preparing for your driver's test, you're undoubtedly trying to digest a lot of information about what you need to do in order to pass. You are studying and practicing every single day in hopes of getting everything right in front of your examiner. However, have you ever put any thought into the things you SHOULDN'T do?

There is a lot of information out there that will help you, but you might find that focusing your studies on things that you shouldn't do can make preparing for your driver's test a bit easier. Learn about the mistakes that other students make when they fail and you'll be less likely to make them yourself. Here are a few things that you should NOT do when taking your driver's test:

· Forgetting any of the controls. One common mistake that many student drivers make is forgetting what certain controls are for. Don't bother to take your test if you're not 100% confident that you know where all the controls are located and what they are for.

· Braking too hard. Whatever you do, always be careful when braking. Remove your foot slowly from the accelerator as early as possible. Coast gently and lightly---you will lose points if you don't.

· Forgetting to slow down when you should or slowing down when you should not. Always make sure you're going the speed limit, unless you need to slow down for a stop. Whenever you change lanes, try going the same speed as other drivers. It's a common mistake for people to think they have to slow down when changing lanes, so make sure you don't do this.

· Staring at the wheel or your hands. Your eyes should be observing your surroundings at all times. Know what is in front of you, to the sides, and behind you. Know where your eyes should be and when.

Don't make these mistakes and hopefully you'll pass your driver's license test!

If you want to learn more, check out some driving test tips. Learn about the secrets of driving that will make your test go smoothly. If you understand common mistakes that other people make, you won't have to worry about making them yourself during your driver's license exam!

So, here you go. Now you just need to apply.



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