Friday, December 23, 2011

Practicing and Preparing Tips

It's Friday again and it's time for some more great driving test tips. Here they come.

How to Pass Your Driving Test - 8 Tips for Practicing & Preparing Yourself for the Test

If you're feeling nervous or anxious about your driver's test, DON'T BE! You can prepare yourself by practicing with a good driver and taking advantage of online resources.

These resources include checklists, practice tests, how-to videos, interactive guides, and more. You can learn what to expect when you take the test. You might even be able to find maps of the test routes in your area!

These driving tips will also help you prepare for the test:

1. Practice every chance you get in a relatively empty area, such as an old country road or parking lot. The person with whom you practice should be either a professional or a very good, responsible driver.

2. Find out where the test routes are and practice driving in that area. There are normally 10 or so routes for every driving test center. If you get plenty of practice driving in the area beforehand, you will find the test taking process to be easy.

3. Adjust the seat to fit your height so that you will feel comfortable behind the wheel. Ideally, you should sit about a foot from the wheel, and your hands should be bent at approximately 45 degrees.

4. Don't forget the details! Remember to check your mirrors once in a while. Remember to brake gently whenever you prepare for a stop. Make sure you use signal lights whenever you make a turn or change lanes. And, of course, remember how to parallel park correctly!

5. Make sure you have all of the hand gestures and street signs down pat before you take the driver's test! This shouldn't be too hard just as long as you practice driving along the testing routes.

6. When you get in the car with the examiner, try to relax! Adjust the seat, mirrors, and the steering wheel. Make sure your examiner has his/her seatbelt on. Sometimes they will purposely leave it off just to see if you notice.

7. Practice parallel parking. When you parallel park, you should turn your indicators on. Failing to do so during the test will cost you points. Go carefully and slowly. Look to the sides and to the back. Try not to hit the curb.

8. This tip is a no-brainer, yet you'd be surprised at the number of people who forget to prepare their vehicles! Make sure you have the registration, and all of the indicators and headlights work. The tires should be in good condition and there should be no cracks in the windshield.
Follow these 8 tips and you should do well when you take your driving test.

Reading online driving guides and taking practice tests will help you pass your road test! Online guides cover everything from driving practicing tips to checklists. There are also videos that will teach you how to drive.

Getting your driver's license is not that hard. If you would like to pass your driving test without trying so hard, you should get yourself this amazing driving test guide.

Hopefully this article helped you,


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