Friday, December 9, 2011

Score High on the Driving Test

Some people don't want just to pass the driving test, they want to do so with a high score (seriously, such people exist). For them, here is an article with great tips how to achieve this.

10 Tips for Getting High Marks on Your Driver’s Test

Are you getting ready to take your driver's license test? If so, then you're probably feeling anxious. Even if you get a lot of practice in, you still might end up forgetting something.

You'll be glad to know that there are tons of tips and resources online that will help you prepare yourself. You can even find secrets on things you can do to impress your test examiner!

To get you started, here are a few important things that you need to remember on the day of your test:

1. Don't forget to show signals for all turns! Remember to look both ways before turning or passing.

2. Pay close attention to speed limits. Don't go over the limit or under the limit. Some first-time test takers go slower than the speed limit. You don't want to do this. Practice driving along the test routes, at the appropriate speed limits, BEFORE you take the test.

3. Practice parallel parking. Take some large boxes and put them in an empty parking lot. Practice parking in between them.

4. When you're parallel parking, make sure you are approximately a meter apart from your car and the vehicle parked at the right side of the road. Be careful not to hit the curb!
5. When you see an approaching stop sign or red light, brake gently. You will be tested on whether your stops are hard or smooth!

6. When changing lanes, check the rearview mirror and your blind spots as you signal. If you're moving over two lanes, keep the signal on until you approach the selected lane.

7. Before you drive off, don't forget to check the mirror, signal properly, and check your blind spot. Don't get in a hurry. Wait until there's an opening which will give you plenty of time to get on the road.

8. Remember: yellow does NOT mean "go slow", it means "slow down" and prepare to stop for the red light! When the light finally turns green, or you get a green arrow, make sure that the road is clear of vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

9. Your eyes shouldn't be focused on the same spot the entire time! They should be moving from the left, in front of you, and to the right. Look in the review mirror every few seconds as well. Be aware of everything that is surrounding you from every direction.

10. Always anticipate what other drivers are about to do. If you anticipate that they are going to make a mistake, prepare to counter it. Don't let them cause you to crash out of nowhere. ALWAYS expect the unexpected!

If you follow these 10 tips, you should do well on your road test.

Did you know that there are tons of driving tips and resources online? You can find all of the information you need for preparing yourself for the test AND passing it! You can also find practice exams for the written road test.

Getting your driver's license is not that hard. If you would like to pass your driving test without trying so hard, you should get yourself this amazing driving test guide.

Hopefully this article helped you,


1 comment:

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