Saturday, April 12, 2008

My Favorite Driving Time

Like last Saturday, I want to make this post a little more personal than usual. And today: my favorite driving time.

Well, I like driving at night. Really late at night. Not nine, but more towards eleven o'clock or even midnight. There is no better time than this to drive in my area.

And why is that? Because at that time, the road is empty. Totally clear. Traffic lights on the main road, which is close to where I live and runs until a big city 13 km away, have a sensor system. The sensor system detects where cars are present and gives a green light according to this data. For example, if no one wants to turn left on a particular road, then the left turn light will stay red and give oncoming traffic the green light.

At night, when the road is empty, the sensor system gives a green light to the main road. Driving on this road at night is a dream. No cars, no red lights. Driving from my house to the big city nearby can take no more than 10 minutes. Just like a highway.

What is your favorite driving time? Feel free to share!


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