Monday, August 18, 2008

Car Wrecks and Their Causes

Accidents are a nasty business, and nothing can change that. Death, injuries, insurance claims, and other wreck related terms makes everyone shake. To know more about the causes of accidents, Joseph Devine wrote a great article.

Causes of Car Wrecks

Car accidents and wrecks are events that negatively affect people's lives. In addition to damaging the vehicle, injuries and financial troubles can result from the collision. Learning about the various causes of automobile accidents can help people to be more aware of their choices behind the wheel, hopefully leading to fewer accidents on the road. Additionally, oftentimes, multiple factors coincide, causing wrecks. By stopping or avoiding preventable causes of collisions, road way safety can be improved for everyone.

Driver distraction is a common cause of problems behind the wheel. Ringing cell phones, talking with passengers, screaming children, drinking and eating, dealing with pets, changing the radio station and fiddling with mp3 players are all driver distractions that can lead to accidents. Other problems that drivers can experience while in control of their vehicle include sleepiness, illness, or alcohol and drug use. If you are tired or sick, it is advisable not to operate a motor vehicle. Additionally, if you have consumed drugs or alcohol immediately prior to driving, you face increased risk for getting into an accident as well as legal repercussions for driving while intoxicated.

Less controllable factors include mechanical car problems. Flat tires, tires blowing out while driving, brake failure, axle problems, and steering mechanism failure can all turn an otherwise safe driving situation into a dangerous one. Other variables that can heighten the danger involved in driving consist of roadway conditions, such as foreign objects in the road, complicating weather conditions such as rain, ice, snow, and fog, and road damage, including pot holes or bad shoulders.

Finally, features such as road design and layout can have a significant impact on the amount of car wrecks in an area. Some places are notorious for their blind spots. Additionally, improperly or poorly marked roadways and the speed of surrounding motorists can have a major effect on the frequency of car collisions.

Basic prevention of car wrecks includes limiting distractions inside the vehicle, driving the speed limit, not operating a vehicle after the consumption of drugs or alcohol, and always observing traffic laws. It is advised to drive only when you are feeling awake, healthy, and well-rested. If the number of car collisions and accidents could be reduced in the United States, millions of dollars in insurance claims, lawsuits, and pain and suffering could be avoided. If you are interested in learning more, this automobile accident website can provide more useful information.

Joseph Devine


Thank you Joseph for this fantastic and informative article.



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