Friday, August 22, 2008

Parking Mistakes to Avoid

Parking is a painful subject for many drivers and drivers-to-be. Many students fail because of it, but there is a way around it. Here is an article I wrote about it for you to read.

Park Well to Pass Your Driver's License Test

Parking is a major player in the "unfavorite" parts of driving test checklist. It is quite difficult without experience, it means that the practice is over, and it fails many students each year. Some parking errors repeat more often than others, yet driving students keep making them over and over.

One mistake is a critical error in many areas. It is hitting the curb. When you park, it is usually done near a curb, and hitting it is a major problem for examiners. The curb hit can be done when pulling over, parallel parking, or just doing any parking maneuver. This just adds to the feeling that students without proper preparation cannot pass the test.

Another mistake, common on parallel parking, is not looking back when backing up. Some examinees just stare in the rear view mirror, or worse than that, at the road ahead. This is a very dangerous practice since a pedestrian can walk behind the backing car or there may be another car behind it. Still, many students don't do the simple act of looking back.

Distance estimation is also an issue for the parking part of the driving test. There is a certain distance from the curb you must park on, and parking further from the curb is illegal and of course a test failure. However, some students cannot estimate their distance well, especially when pulling over. They are too afraid to hit the curb. The result, too often, is a big X on the score sheet.

Like hitting the curb, hitting another car is a very serious problem during the driving test. It is usually a combination of not looking back and distance underestimation. When it happens, both the examiner and the examinee feel bad and are required to leave their details. This is an instant failure with no exceptions.

Since parking is a major part of driving, you need the proper practice and guidance for it. Practicing it yourself without any help will only get you in trouble, since you can practice wrong maneuvers and hit other cars. You need the best guidance possible.

You can find great guidance at the Pas Your Driver's License Test section of my site. Every guide there will give you the exact way to perform the perfect parking.

Good luck!


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