Tuesday, May 5, 2009

We Don't Need No Speed Cameras

This story was published only three days ago, but it contains information everyone knew for a long time. Well, it wasn't hard. Speed cameras don't work. They are just used to get money and fill the pockets of the police (in the UK, at least)

Watch closely: in 2007, speed fines from cameras went down 23%, and also road deaths went down dramatically. Coincidence? Maybe. Whatever the answer will be, it just proves that speed cameras are uselss.

And finally, the reason for the reduced number of speed fines is really annoying. It's because the police and local authorities couldn't keep a portion of the money for more cameras. Another proof that those cameras were just a money machine.



1 comment:

Academy of Road Mastery said...

In the U.S. they are only used to get money too. There are many studies here that prove that red-light cameras don't work and even cause traffic problems.
