Monday, October 12, 2009

Some More Great Test Tips

Driving test tips are what all learner drivers are looking after, and it even brought this blog a nice award. To continue this tradition, here is another article with some great tips, this time by Alan Vale.

Driving Test - Passing the Tests

Passing the driving test can be one of the hardest and most stressful things for you to do. You have practiced for months and are excited about finally being able to get a driver's license. You get behind the wheel and your excitement turns to nervousness. You start sweating and start to wonder, "Am I going to pass this driving test?"

All the anxiety takes its toll. Did you use your mirrors? Did you use your turn signals? Did you take too long to parallel park? All these questions and more are running through your head. No wonder it is so stressful!

You look at the examiner. You want to see some sign of how you did on the examiner's face. The examiner turns to you and tells you that you didn't pass. What? How could that happen? It's more common than you think.

Sure you have been practicing for months. You have taken every opportunity that you could grab; you even took your mom to the store. The only problem is remembering everything when you are taking your exam. In normal, everyday driving, you don't always get the chance to do things like parallel parking. You also, after a while, get used to doing some things as a reflex. For instance, checking your mirrors to backup or turning on the radio. When taking the driving test, sometimes these habits get in the way.

The written test is another problem all together. Different states have different standards for passing the test. What you have to study for each state can vary greatly; one state may lean more towards recognizing signs and another more towards knowing the laws.

Did you know that there is a more than a fifty percent chance that you will not pass the written test the first time? The odds are stacked against you! Sometimes this is because of nervousness, you know, when you get the test in front of you and suddenly you can't remember any of the answers. Sometimes, it is simply not studying enough of the right information. You studied all the signs, only to find out that there weren't any signs on the test.

The driving test does not have to be so hard. The key is having enough confidence in yourself and your abilities to be able to master taking the test. Nervousness and doubt can be your downfall. People have a tendency of making mistakes when they are nervous. People also have a tendency of second guessing themselves on tests, especially if it is multiple choice or true/false.

Being confident when you take your driving test takes away most of the anxiety. You're still going to be a little nervous, but not necessarily enough to make mistakes. When you are confident of your answers, you are more likely not to read the question again and allow yourself the opportunity to second guess yourself.

Now isn't it a better scenario to be able to walk in and take the driving tests and pass them the first time?

Alan Vaile is an expert blogger and gives you very good reviews about the best motor sites in Internet. In the next link you can take a look at one of the best Driving Test sites


I hope you found Alan's tips valuable for you. If I was learning to drive, I would've definitely used them.



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