Monday, April 5, 2010

Tips From a Driving Instructor

Not every day you find a list of tips written by a person who owns a website about becoming a driving instructor. But today James Culvers was chosen to have his article in this blog. Read and learn.

8 Tips to Help You Pass Your Driving Test the First Time

When learning to drive, and ultimately taking your test, take heed of these 8 tips and your chances of passing the test first time will improve dramatically.

1. The most important thing you can do is invest in worthwhile driving lessons. Do no automatically choose the cheapest lessons you can find. Usually something is cheap for a reason. Choose lessons based on quality and reputation. Try to get recommendations from previous customers, and have a chat with the instructors to get a feel for them before handing over any money.

2. Clarify with the driving school exactly how long each lesson is. Does it include pick up time? Paperwork? How much time are you actually going to spend learning. Ten minutes here and there can add up to some major lost learning time.

3. Where possible avoid a trainee instructor. Whilst it is true that instructors need to gain experience before becoming fully qualified, you stand the best chance of passing your test if you take lessons form an experience driving instructor. You are paying money so you should get the best tuition for that money.

4. Check the condition of the car that the instructor uses. You want a reliable, and average car to get an accurate feel of how to drive. Remember that when you do your test, it is more than likely to be held in a different car to the one you learnt in. Try to get some experience driving different cars.

5. Do your pre test preparation properly, that means studying your theory book, and getting friends and family to test you. The better prepared you are, the easier your theory test will be.

6. Apply to take your theory test as soon as you begin lessons. Its best to get the theory test done and out of the way, so you can concentrate on the actually driving.

7. Keep your lessons regular. It is proven that regular lessons is the best way to learn. Intensive courses have higher failure rates as you are trying to cram in too much in too short a period of time. If you spread the lessons out over too long a period of time, you will waste too much time reacquainting yourself with what your learnt previously, rather than learning new things.

8. Have one last practice lesson right before your test. This will build confidence, and really does help with the pass rate.

I enjoy writing about lots of different subjects. To read my latest work on how to become a driving instructor and information on the driving instructor training you can visit my website.


I hope you learned something valuable from this article.



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