Friday, November 4, 2011

Seven Common Mistakes

It's Friday again, and it's time to show you some more driving test mistakes to avoid, unless you enjoy retesting over and over.

7 Common Mistakes Made by Student Drivers During a Driver’s Exam

Have you been studying for your driver's exam? Getting a driver's license requires a lot of practice and discipline. You need to know the rules of the road, the ins and outs of a car, AND how to actually drive it. You have to be on the lookout for other drivers on the road. Just making a small mistake can lead to an accident.

When it comes to driving tests, there are dozens of things your examiner will check for. If you make so many mistakes, you won't pass. There are so many different mistakes that you can make.

Here is a list of some of the most common:

1. Don't forget to change lanes when it's time to! Many students are nervous and stay in the same lane all the time. If the car in front of you is going slower than the speed limit, it's okay to pass them up (unless you're in a no-passing area).

2. Don't become TOO cautious. Over caution can be just as bad as neglect. It shows that you are uncomfortable and unconfident. If you're relaxed and calm, you'll do a better job.

3. When you approach an intersection, make sure you're going the appropriate speed. How fast are the other cars going? Maintain the same speed as the other drivers if you need to merge. If you need to come to a stop, make sure you do so BEFORE reaching the intersection. Chances are, your examiner won't take you to a freeway. But if you do go, make sure you merge properly.

4. If there's ice on the road when you take your test, know how to cross it safely. If your vehicle starts to slide, gently brake and go in the direction of the skid. Don't jerk the wheel into the opposite direction or brake all of a sudden.

5. While you should always observe other vehicles, don't let the other people's driving habits distract you. Watch them carefully, but not so much that you lose focus on your own driving. Don't develop "road rage", as you will lose focus on what YOU are doing.

6. Make sure you keep both hands on the wheel! Don't let them slip. Don't grip too tightly. Some of the biggest mistakes student drivers make involve the wheel.

7. Never, ever brake too hard! Learn the differences between hard and soft brakes. Hard braking is okay during emergencies, but most of the time, you will only be doing soft braking. You don't want to throw your passenger all around.

If you avoid these mistakes, you should do a good job on your driving test. Good luck!

Check out some tools, guides, practice tests, and videos to help you pass your driving test. You can learn EVERY SINGLE THING that the examiner will be watching for! Knowing in advance what you'll be tested on will give you more confidence on exam day. Getting your driver's license will be a piece of cake!

Getting your driver's license is not that hard. If you would like to pass your driving test without trying so hard, you should get yourself this amazing driving test guide.

Hopefully this guide will help you during your test.



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