Saturday, January 24, 2009

Knowing When to Say No

I really love driving. The easiest way to get me to do something is waving the car keys in front of me and asking me to drive there. However, over the years, I have developed a skill as important as driving. The skill to say "No".

This skill is vital for your life. Sometimes you are tired, drunk, or just incapable of driving. However, you are not always aware of that. I, for example, don't drink (really). The only thing that can harm me in that sense is being tired (and if you noticed, I'm very tired lately). When I get this feeling, I know to say "No, you drive. I can't". Believe me, saying this saved my life.

Say "No" when you need to. Enjoy your driving as much as you can, but don't let it risk your life that much. Learn to say "No".

Have a great weekend,


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