Friday, May 11, 2012

The Night Before and Morning of the Test

One of the most important factors for the result of a driving test is preparation. Preparation is not only practice, but sleeping well and eating well. Here is an article I wrote about it (of course, there is much more detail in my driving test guide).

Preparing for Your Driver’s License Test: What to do the Night Before and the Morning of the Test

So, you've been practicing for your driver's test. You've been driving and studying. Even if you're feeling confident, you still might a bit nervous. Nobody is completely anxious-free before they take their road test. The good news is that you can reduce that stress significantly. You can be relatively calm on the day of the test.

On the night before the test, just take the following steps to prepare:

• Go around and inspect the vehicle. Make sure there are no cracks in the mirrors or windshield. The lights should all be working properly. You should be able to turn on the signal, air conditioner, wipers, defrost, horn, emergency brakes, and so forth.

• You might want to go ahead and clean the car while you're at it. Having a squeaky clean vehicle won't help you pass the test, but it will make you appear more presentable. You will feel more comfortable driving a clean car.

• Make sure the mirrors are adjusted so that you can see everything on the road. During the test, the examiner will be testing you to see if you use the mirrors properly.

• Eat a big dinner so that you won't go to bed hungry. If your stomach is full, you'll be able to fall asleep more easily. If you have trouble falling asleep, drink some valerian tea or chamomile tea.

• As you drift off to sleep, think positive thoughts. Keep telling yourself "Tomorrow is going to be fine. I will go through the test smoothly. I WILL pass!"

What to do the day of the test:

• Wake up early and eat a big breakfast. Gather up the paperwork and documents that you will need. You will need your learners permit, proof of registration, insurance information, your birth certificate, and social security card. If you're unsure about what to take, call the DMV to ask.

• Leave early so that you will arrive in plenty of time before the test. If there is anything you need extra practice on, such as uphill parking, practice it before you leave. You might also want to practice your hand signals before taking the test.

• Go over all of the controls, if you have time. Do a quick refresher on how to use the wipers, signals, headlights, air conditioner, etc. Knowing how to use the vehicle's controls and instruments properly will show that you are confident on the road.

• Be polite to your examiner. Remember that they are just doing their job. They aren't out to get you. They take their job seriously, so take your test seriously.

Hopefully, these tips will help you to prepare for the driving test. Just try your best to stay calm and positive.

Take a look at driving test guide right now and get the information and resources you need for passing. You can impress your friends and family by passing on the very first try. If you've already tried and failed, you will find the driving tips you need for passing on your next exam.

Getting your driver's license is not that hard. If you would like to pass your driving test without trying so hard, you should get yourself this amazing driving test guide.

I hope this article helped you,


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