Friday, May 30, 2008

Intersection Approach - Approach for Passing

Today, to end the week, I have an article I wrote about intersection approach. As funny as it sounds, it's a serious issue that fails many drivers on their test. Many driving students can't control their speed well, and as a result, they fail. Here is the article explaining all of this:

Intersection Approach Speeds That Kill Road Tests

Intersections are the place where two or more roads meet. When approaching intersections, it's important to know which speed to use to get through them safely. Some drivers, especially driving students, don't always match their approach speed to the intersection type. This often leads to last minute maneuvers and brakes. During the driving test it is very important to keep the proper approach speed to avoid minor errors and more costly critical errors.

One very common mistake is a too slow approach. Some driving students believe that driving slowly will get them through the test easily. This cannot be further from the truth. Examiners really dislike this type of driving, and crawling to an intersection with no apparent reason is not going to do any driving student any good during the test. It can even cause a failure for going too slowly.

Fast approach is the opposite mistake, and it can be just as bad. Some intersections give drivers the right of way, but their sides are not visible. If a driver approaches too quickly and another driver comes off the side, an accident could happen. Even without that, during a driving test, examiners look for proper speed control, and fast intersection approach will not help.

Intersections that require a complete stop are the worst when it comes to fast approach. If the student cannot brake on time, and usually it becomes impossible, he is going to make a quick and dangerous brake and stop beyond the limit line. This is a combination of two errors, and in some places it's a clear critical error and a failure.

Left turns are also affected by fast approach. If a driver needs to turn left but he approaches the turn too quickly, he may make it uneven and in a dangerous way. Even worse, he can skid and lose control over the car. During a driving test, any of these situations is a sure re-test.

There is only one way to make perfect intersection approaches and turns. You can find this way on the Pass your Road Test area of my site.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Now go practice your approach speeds.

Have a great weekend,


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