Friday, May 9, 2008

Picking the Right Lane

It's another Friday, which means it's time for another article of mine. Today I'm giving you the chance to see why there are so many problems with using the proper lane.

Lane Usage Mistakes That Ruin DMV Driving Tests

Lanes regulate the position and direction of cars. They regulate which cars should go in what direction, and they are placed in such a way that brings traffic hazards to the minimum. Choosing and using the proper lane is crucial for successful driving and road safety. During a driving test, it's very important to choose the correct lane. Turning or passing on the wrong lane can be a minor error at best and an accident at worst.

One big mistake students make is not sticking to the right lane. Most countries and states require that on normal driving, when not planning to turn or pass, drivers should drive on the outer lane. In most countries, this is the right lane. This rule is widely ignored among many drivers, including driving students. This can trigger off an error on the test score sheet.

Passing is a risky maneuver that must be made under ideal conditions. One of those conditions is the proper lane. Right-side driving countries prefer and sometimes require drivers to pass on the left only. Passing on the right on these countries is very dangerous. The blind spot on the right side of the car are bigger, so there is an increased chance of an accident when passing on the right. Driving students passing on the right during a test may get away with it, but they should not count on it and pass only on the left.

Turns are another maneuver that must be made from specific lanes. Turning right from the left lane when it is not allowed is illegal. Some intersections have more than one turn lane in one direction, and in this case the lane must be kept. Some driving students don't keep the lane, which can get them involved in an accident and possibly fail the driving test.

Lanes must be used correctly to be successful in the driving test. For that, there are guides that explain exactly which lane to choose in each situation and how to make correct turns considering lane usage and other factors on the road.

You can get such a guide at the Pass your DMV Driving Test area of, along with a course about driving test mistakes and tips.

I hope you learned something valuable today.
Have a great weekend,


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