Friday, May 2, 2008

Tight Turns - A Wide Mistake

Today I want to share with you another article of mine. This time it's about turn, or more accurately, tight turns. Read below what really silly mistakes like this can cause:

Tight Turns - A Tight Chance to Pass the Driving Test

When driving and practicing driving, turns are a must. Without them, cars will be forced to go in a straight line and go nowhere. When turning, it's important to make the turn accurate. Otherwise, many objects can be hit and accidents can happen. Tight turns are one symptom of incorrect driving. During the driving test, tight turns account for many mistakes and so many failures.

One impact of tight turns is with right turns. When making a tight right turn, the car can hit the curb. Worse than that, it can hit what's on the curb. If this turn is done in high speed, the driver can lose control over the vehicle. All these cases lead to a critical error and a complete failure on the driving test.

Left turns are also affected by tightly made turns. When a left turn is made too tightly, the car enters the lane of oncoming traffic. This is a highly dangerous maneuver, yet it is made by many drivers. Even if no car was hit during a turn of this kind, the examiner is not going to be too impressed with that kind of turn, and he will most likely mark a minor error.

Another turn affected is a U-turn. When making a U-turn, it's important not making it too tight. When a U-turn is done tightly and there is a barrier separating the two directions of traffic, the car can go on the barrier. In such case, it counts as hitting the curb, and hitting the curb has only one meaning in a driving test - failing.

Perhaps the biggest problem with tight turns is the small radius of the turn. With the help of some laws of physics, it can be proven that going in a smaller radius increases the centrifugal force. This means that the car has a harder time completing the turn and an increased chance of skidding. During a driving test, the examiner is looking for safety. Making tight turns certainly doesn't point to any safety.

To avoid tight turns and make your turns perfect, visit the Pass your Driving Test area of and you could even enjoy a course about more driving test mistakes.

Now that you learned something new, go implement it! Fix your turns and become better drivers.



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